王玥,Philip Leistner,李平.开放型办公室掩蔽语音环境下工作效率的客观评价方法[J].,2012,31(3):190-195 |
开放型办公室掩蔽语音环境下工作效率的客观评价方法 |
Objective measurements for predicting working performance in masking condition in open-plan offices |
中文摘要: |
本文研究了开放型办公室中平稳噪声掩蔽语音环境下噪声可懂度的客观评价指标与工作效率之间的关系。文章通过对三种客观评价指标:Speech Transmission Index(STI),Perceptually Evaluation of Speech Quality(PESQ)和modified Normalized Covariance Method(mNCM)与专门设计的主观实验结果相对比,得到了该条件下客观评价指标与主观烦扰度和工作效率之间的关系。结果显示,客观评价指标与主观实验结果均具有较高的相关性,说明利用客观评价指标来预测、评估工作效率具有可行性。实验结果还初步揭示了噪声的语言可懂度和工作效率之间的变化规律:在噪声的语言可懂度的中间区域,工作效率变化显著;但噪声的语言可懂度高于一定值以后,工作效率趋于稳定。 |
英文摘要: |
The aim of this study is to investigate the performance of objective measurements for predicting working performance in open-plan offices when speech is masked by steady noise.Three objective measurements: Speech Transmission Index(STI),Perceptually Evaluation of Speech Quality(PESQ) and modified Normalized Covariance Method(mNCM) were analyzed and their results are compared to the experimental results,to find out the correlation to subjective results of speech intelligibility,annoyance and finally working performance in open-plan offices.Results show all of them have high correlation with experimental results.It is available to evaluate or predict working performance by objective measurements.Results also reveal the interrelationship between speech intelligibility and working performance preliminarily: working performance varies distinctly when speech intelligibility is in a medium range.When speech intelligibility is higher than a threshold,working performance tends to be unchanged. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2012.03.005 |
中文关键词: 客观评价 语言可懂度 烦扰度 工作效率 |
英文关键词: Objective measurements Speech intelligibility Annoyance Working performance |
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