陈守虎,曹建国,吴国清.固定转发源级的目标回波强度测量法[J].,2012,31(5):358-364 |
固定转发源级的目标回波强度测量法 |
Target strength measuring method with Fixed Repeating Source Level |
投稿时间:2012-03-12 |
中文摘要: |
本文首先介绍了两种传统的水中目标回波强度的测量方法,分析了其特点并指出其不足之处。然后提出了一种改进的回声转发测量法,我们称之为固定转发源级的目标回波强度测量法。固定转发源级的目标回波测量法,对传统的回声转发测量法进行了硬件结构和处理方法上的改进。通过在被测目标上加装声学数据采集记录装置,避免了变强度转发的需要。不但保留了其优点,而且克服了其主要缺点。明显降低了校准的工作量,提高了测量的精度和效率,拓展了系统的适用范围,具有一定的应用推广价值。 |
英文摘要: |
Firstly two kinds of classic methods for acoustic target strength measurement are introduced. Their shortcomings are also analysised. Secondly a new method is introduced. The new method is named as target strength measuring method with Fixed Repeating Source Level (FRSL). FRSL is different from the classic methods on not only the hardware structure but also the processing method. FRSL uses an acoustic data acquiring and recording equipment to keep itself from the variable repeating source level. FRSL keeps the most valuable advantages of the classic methods. At the same time, it overcomes some severe shortcomings of the classic ones. FRSL shows valuable advantages especially on its calibration, its precision, its efficiency, and its applicability for wide spectrum and multiform signals. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2012.05.007 |
中文关键词: 目标回波强度测量,回声转发测量法,固定转发源级 |
英文关键词: Acoustic target strength measurement, Echo repeater measuring method, Fixed Repeating Source Level |
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