刘明,汪福全,闫超.根据时分复用机制优化多路FIR滤波器实现结构[J].,2012,31(5):393-398 |
根据时分复用机制优化多路FIR滤波器实现结构 |
Improving the implementation structure of multi-channel Finite Impulse Response filter based on time-division multiplexed mechanism |
投稿时间:2012-02-27 |
中文摘要: |
针对多路有限长单脉冲响应(Finite Impulse Response, FIR)滤波器实现结构的资源需求量有待降低的问题,本文根据多路采样数据的时分多路复用传输机制,通过使多路采样数据复用同一单路FIR滤波器,对多路FIR滤波器的FPGA实现结构进行优化。分析证明,该优化实现结构由不同类型的单路FIR滤波器实现结构构成时,与典型多路FIR滤波器实现结构相比,其寄存器需求量大幅降低,同时可以保证乘法器和加法器需求量大幅降低或大致相同。 |
英文摘要: |
Because the demand for resources of multi-channel Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter implementation structure is to be reduced, the paper optimizes the implementation structure of multi-channel FIR filter whose multi-channel input data are transported through time-division multiplexed mechanism. In the optimized structure of FIR filter which is implemented in FPGA the multi-channel input data share the same single-channel FIR filter. Compared to the typical structure of multi-channel FIR filter, the resource evaluation proves that when the optimized structure is formed by different kinds of single-channel FIR filters, it achieves significant reduction in the demand of registers, and it is roughly the same or achieves significant reduction in the demands of multipliers and adders. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2012.05.012 |
中文关键词: 多路FIR滤波器,时分复用,现场可编程门阵列 |
英文关键词: Multi-channel Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter, Time-division multiplex, Field-programmable gate array |
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