王辉,刘方,魏艳,贾永芬.核燃料后处理中锕系元素的声化学调价研究进展[J].,2013,32(1):57-61 |
核燃料后处理中锕系元素的声化学调价研究进展 |
Research progress of chemical valence adjustment of actinides by sonochemistry in nuclear fuel reprocessing |
投稿时间:2011-10-08 |
中文摘要: |
硝酸水溶液在超声波辐照下产生自由基及活性分子,通过加入辅助试剂或控制硝酸浓度可以选择性地利用这些活性组分氧化或还原铀、镎、钚等锕系元素。在核燃料后处理流程中可利用上述反应对锕系元素进行声化学调价,实现锕系元素调价的无盐化,在某些调价过程中甚至无需额外加入任何试剂。由于上述优点,声化学方法有望在后处理流程的钚、镎调价方面得到应用。 |
英文摘要: |
Free radicals and active moleculars are generated in nitric acid solution under irradiation of ultrasound, which can be selectively used to oxidize or to reduce actinides such as plutonium, neptunium, and uranium by adding assistant reagents or setting the concentration of nitric acid. In nuclear fuel reprocessing, the sonochemical method may be adopted as a salt-free method to control the oxidation state of actinides. According to this advantage, sonochemistry is promising to control the oxidation state of plutonium and neptunium in nuclear fuel reprocessing process. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2013.01.010 |
中文关键词: 声化学,后处理,钚,镎,铀 |
英文关键词: Sonochemistry, Reprocessing, Plutonium, Neptunium, Uranium |
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