钱玉洁,孔德义,孙文娟,段秀华,赵湛.面向微穿孔板吸声结构和吸声特性混合设计的软件平台[J].,2013,32(1):67-72 |
面向微穿孔板吸声结构和吸声特性混合设计的软件平台 |
A hybrid software platform for micro-perforated panel absorption structure based on its structure and absorption characteristic |
投稿时间:2012-02-22 |
中文摘要: |
有关,如何按需设计一个有效的微穿孔板吸声结构已成为目前研究的热点。本文从微穿孔板吸声结构和吸声特性混合设计的角度出发,使用面向对象的编程语言C++开发了微穿孔板吸声结构设计平台。与以往设计方法不同,本文开发的软件平台综合考虑了结构参数和吸声特性参数两方面的限制,根据实际应用要求平衡微穿孔板吸声结构的最大吸声系数与吸声带宽之间的制约关系,并以饱满的吸声曲线为目标,提供满足混合设计要求的优化结构参数。 |
英文摘要: |
Micro-perforated panel absorption structure, that consists of a thin panel perforated with a larger number of submillimetre pores together with an air space behind it, is regarded as the most attractive sound-absorbing construction. Its absorption characteristic is determined by structural parameters such as hole diameter
, the thickness of the panel
, the distance between the centers of adjacent holes
and the depth of the cavity
. The method to design an effective micro-perforated panel absorption structure is a hot research topic. From the perspective of hybrid design of micro-perforated panel absorption structure based on the structure parameters and absorption characteristic, a software platform is developed by the object-oriented programing language C++. It is different from the previous design method by taking restrictions of both structure parameters and absorption characteristic parameters into consideration and balancing the restriction relationship between maximum absorption coefficient and absorption bandwidth of micro-perforated panel absorption structure according to the practical application,aiming at obtaining more satisfactory absorption curve. This platform will offer a set of optimal structure parameters that meet requirements of hybrid design. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2013.01.012 |
中文关键词: 微穿孔板吸声结构,混合设计,结构参数,吸声特性 |
英文关键词: Micro-perforated panel absorption structure, Hybrid design, Structure parameters, Absorption characteristic |
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目计划(973计划) (2011CB302104) |
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