Research on extraction of distance characteristic feature based on image diffusion denoising method
      The distance change ratio of target in movement can be described by distance characteristic feature. It can be extracted from LOFAR (Low Frequency Analysis Recording) spectrum striations of target radiated noise. Low precision of distance characteristic feature has been obtained because of the low signal to noise ratio and striation pollution. In order to improve the precision, a new edge-directed enhancement diffusion equation model has been put forward to denoise the LOFAR spectrum image. Because denoising performance has been greatly affected by the iteration times of diffusion equation, a method of choosing the times is presented. In order to let the striations characteristic more clear, a method of binary image based on image dividing is proposed. The results of numerical simulation and ocean experiments show that the precision of distance characteristic feature is one times higher after LOFAR spectrum image processing.
中文关键词: 距离特征量,信噪比,边缘定向增强型扩散方程,LOFAR谱
英文关键词: Distance characteristic feature, Signal to noise ratio, Edge-directed enhancement diffusion equation, Low frequency analysis recording spectrum
基金项目:“十二五”预研基金项目(No.51303070407); 水下测控技术重点实验室资助项目(No.613122)
笪良龙 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071
何青海 海军潜艇学院 青岛 266071
杨建设 海军92730部队 三亚 572021 
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