Acoustic one-way structures
      Inspired by the significant rectification effect of electric diode, the unidirectional transmission of acoustic waves is studied both theoretically and experimentally, and a series of acoustic one-way structures have been developed:an acoustic diode is designed and fabricated by coupling a superlattice with nonlinear acoustic medium, which is able to yield acoustic rectification effect; linear acoustic one-way structure supporting unidirectional transmission of Lamb waves is proposed by introducing asymmetric structure into composite plate to yield asymmetric mode conversion of Lamb waves; directional acoustic waveguide structure is designed and fabricated, which is capable of yielding unidirectional acoustic transmission in finite-sized acoustic systems; acoustic one-way structure composed of a pure plate and an acoustic grating is designed and fabricated, which takes the advantages of small size and high efficiency; by employing acoustic gradient medium, an acoustic structure is proposed to yield asymmetric acoustic transmission in a considerably broad band.
中文关键词: 单向,声整流,声人工结构
英文关键词: One-way, Acoustic rectification, Artificial acoustic structure
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11274168, 11174138, 11174139)
邹欣晔 南京大学 物理学院 声学研究所 南京 210093
袁樱 江苏理工学院 数理学院 常州 213001 
梁彬 南京大学 物理学院 声学研究所 南京 210093
程建春 南京大学 物理学院 声学研究所 南京 210093
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