High power ultrasonic power supply based on cascaded 9 level technology
投稿时间:2020-07-14  修订日期:2021-05-01
      In consideration of the problems of low output power and low power density of ultrasonic power supply, a high-power ultrasonic power supply based on cascaded 9 level technology is proposed in this paper. Connected to the photovoltaic power supply reduces the power consumption of the grid, and can also achieve photovoltaic power generation. The inverter circuit is composed of two H-bridge units cascaded. After a certain control strategy, the output is a 9-level waveform, which can significantly increase the output power of the ultrasonic power supply, reduce the inductance of the matching network, and improve the ultrasonic power density. In view of the poor stability of the tracking frequency of the traditional phase-locked loop, which is easy to cause serious frequency offset and other problems, a voltage difference method is proposed to automatically track the resonance frequency. The principle is simple and the feasibility is high. By analyzing the system structure, working principle and control strategy of the ultrasonic power supply, the modeling and simulation are implemented in Matlab/Simulink to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the scheme.
中文关键词: 超声波电源  频率自动跟踪  电压差法  9电平
英文关键词: ultrasonic power supply  automatic frequency tracking  voltage difference method  9 level
周持衡 湖北工业大学 13752562251@163.com 
张长征* 湖北工业大学 longmarch_zhang@163.com 
张维尧 湖北工业大学 517812245@qq.com 
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