Application Research of Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing in Quality Testing of Tension Clamp Crimping
投稿时间:2020-07-17  修订日期:2020-11-02
      The quality of the crimping of the tension clamp on the "three-span" line determines the safe and stable operation of the power grid. Due to the limitations of the current quality inspection techniques for compression of tension clamps, a method for inspecting tension clamps based on phased array ultrasound testing (PAUT) is proposed. Firstly, the PAUT signal analysis of the tension clamp was carried out, and it was proved that the phased array ultrasonic imaging technology can intuitively and effectively detect the crimp quality defects such as leakage pressure and undervoltage of the tension clamp. In addition, in order to improve the PAUT imaging quality and analyze the influencing factors of imaging, the control variable method was used to study the influence law of the frequency, aperture and focal length of linear array probes on the imaging of Tension clamp . The study found that the detection signal of the tension clamp will overlap at low frequencies. When the probe frequency increases, the resolution will increase, but the sound wave attenuation will increase. When selecting the frequency, the impact on the resolution and sensitivity should be considered comprehensively; as the probe aperture increases Large, the length of the near field area increases, the system resolution and sensitivity increase, but the increase in aperture is limited by the shape of the workpiece. Generally, when selecting the aperture, the length of the near field area in aluminum is not less than the thickness of the aluminum sleeve and the diameter of the single aluminum wire And; the smaller the aperture, the greater the effect of the focus position on the detection result. The imaging resolution of the focus area is better than that of the non-focus area. The detection imaging effect is best when the focal length is set to the thickness of the aluminum sleeve during detection. The results of the study have important reference value for the PAUT application in the quality inspection of crimping of tension clamps.
中文关键词: 耐张线夹  相控阵超声检测  成像  分辨力  灵敏度  频率  孔径  焦距
英文关键词: tension clamp  phased array ultrasound testing  imaging  resolution  sensitivity  frequency  transducer aperture  focal length
季昌国 华北电力科学研究院有限责任公司 jicg1979@163.com 
余超* 华北电力科学研究院有限责任公司 18092863911@163.com 
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