柳小莉,朱宏伟,王 芳,黄小英,李慧婷,陆艳艳,孙 林,杨 明,何世堂.声表面波气相色谱快速定性分析姜黄挥发油*[J].,2021,40(3):358-366
Rapid qualitative analysis of turmeric volatile oil by surface acoustic wave gas chromatograph
投稿时间:2020-08-04  修订日期:2021-04-27
      应用声表面波气相色谱快速定性分析姜黄挥发油。声表面波气相色谱采用DB-5毛细管色谱柱,初始温度45℃,6℃/s程序升温至160℃,检测结果与气相色谱质谱结果进行比较。姜黄挥发油定性分析中, 声表面波气相色谱20s完成检测,而气相色谱-质谱需要30min完成,声表面波气相色谱检测更高效;同时,声表面波气相色谱与气相色谱质谱共同检测出姜黄挥发油中10种化学成分,且10种化学成分相对百分含量总和占挥发油总成分的90%以上,由于色谱柱长度区别,声表面波气相色谱检出的化学成分相对较少;定量分析中,对声表面波气相色谱进样方式进行了考察,顶空进样与液体进样对化学成分相对百分含量检测有较大差异;采用与气相色谱质谱一致的液体进样方式,对姜黄挥发油中反式石竹烯定量分析,声表面波气相色谱最低检出限可以达到16.9 pg,在0.001624~0.01624 mg/mL范围内R=0.9976具有较好的线性关系,且精密度和重复性较好。声表面波气相色谱能够用于姜黄挥发油的快速定性和定量分析,为中药挥发油的分析提供了新的快捷的检测技术基础。
      The turmeric volatile oil was analyzed by surface acoustic wave gas chromatography (GC-SAW). The GC-SAW was carried out on a DB-5 capillary column with an initial temperature of 45 ℃ and a programmed temperature of 6 ℃/s to 160 ℃. The detection results were compared with those of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that the qualitative detection of turmeric volatile oil could be completed by GC-SAW in 20 seconds, while GC-MS needed 30 minutes. The detection speed of GC-SAW was faster. At the same time, 10 common chemical components were detected by GC-SAW and GC-MS, which accounted for more than 90% of the total components. There were relatively a few chemical components detected by GC-SAW due to the short chromatographic column. In the quantitative analysis, the sample injection mode of GC-SAW was investigated. There was a significant difference between headspace injection and liquid injection in the detection of compound content. The quantitative analysis of trans-caryophyllene in turmeric volatile oil was carried out adopting liquid injection method consistent with GC-MS. The detection limit of trans-caryophyllene in turmeric volatile oil was 16.9 pg, and the ideal linear relationship was obtained with R=0.9976 in the range of 0.001624~0.01624 mg/mL, with excellent precision and repeatability. GC-SAW can be used for the rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of turmeric volatile oil. It provides a novel and rapid detection technology basis for the analysis of volatile oil in traditional Chinese medicine.
中文关键词: 姜黄挥发油  GC-SAW  GC-MS  快速检测  定性分析
英文关键词: turmeric volatile oil  GC-SAW  GC-MS  rapid detection  qualitative analysis.
柳小莉 成都中医药大学 sunshineliu25@163.com 
朱宏伟 中国科学院声学研究所 zhuhongwei1211@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
王 芳 江西中医药大学  
黄小英 江西中医药大学  
李慧婷 成都中医药大学  
陆艳艳 中国科学院声学研究所  
孙 林 中国科学院声学研究所  
杨 明 成都中医药大学  
何世堂 中国科学院声学研究所  
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