Establishment of a single-bubble ultrasonic cavitation simulation model and simulation of its dynamic process
投稿时间:2020-08-04  修订日期:2021-04-27
      In order to simulate the dynamic characteristics of single bubble ultrasonic cavitation, a simulation model of single-bubble ultrasonic cavitation was established. Based on the fluid dynamics control equation and volume of fluid model, the finite element analysis software was used to calculate the cavitation dynamic process of a single-bubble in water driven by ultrasound. The results show that the evolution rule of a single-bubble with time is that it expands slowly to the maximum and then collapses rapidly. The change of the pressure and the gas density inside the bubble is inversely proportional to the change of the single bubble volume. In the expansion phase, the external pressure and the gas density of the bubble decrease along the radial direction of the bubble. In the compression phase, the pressure and gas density in the vertical direction of sound pressure are greater than that in the direction of sound pressure excitation. The results in this paper will provide a reference for simulation of the dynamic process of the ultrasonic cavitation.
中文关键词: 超声空化,单泡,有限元仿真
英文关键词: Ultrasonic cavitation,Single-bubble,Finite element simulation
徐珂 中国计量大学 物理系 1179725654@qq.com 
许龙* 中国计量大学 物理系 xulong@cjlu.edu.cn 
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