Investigation on the effects of stress and borehole deviation on flexural dispersions in an isotropic formation using numerical simulation: An example of Berea sandstone
投稿时间:2024-07-12  修订日期:2025-01-14
      In-situ stress information is very important in petroleum exploration and development. In this paper, the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate finite difference time domain algorithm is used to simulate the cross-dipole waveforms in a borehole surrounded by the pressurized Berea sandtone, and the influence of the well inclination on the acoustic field characteristics is investigated by an anisotropy inversion algorithm in the frequency domain. The results show that for the formations where the maximum and minimum horizontal principal stresses are not equal, the well inclination has a great influence on the borehole wavefield. For the small inclined wellbore, the fast and slow flexural wave dispersion curves are crossed, the amplitude ratio of fast and slow flexural waves is not continuous in the frequency domain, the orientation of low-frequency fast flexural wave is consistent with the orientation of the maximum horizontal principal stress, and as the inclination of the well gradually increases, the crossover points move to the low-frequency, and the difference between the fast and slow flexural wave dispersion curves gradually decreases. For the large inclined wellbore, the fast and slow flexural wave dispersion curves do not cross, the orientation of the low-frequency fast flexural wave is normal to the maximum horizontal principal stress orientation, and the difference between the fast and slow flexural wave dispersion curves gradually decreases as the inclination of the well gradually increases, and the amplitude ratio of the fast and slow bending waves is continuous in the frequency domain.
中文关键词: 有限差分,频散曲线,地应力,声弹性理论,斜井
英文关键词: Dispersion curves, Stresses, Acoustoelastic theory, Deviated well
范姗姗 油气资源与工程国家重点实验室中国石油大学(北京) 102249
曾富强 中国地质大学(武汉) 430074
岳文正* 油气资源与工程国家重点实验室中国石油大学(北京) 102249
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