船舶辐射噪声仿真及评价方法研究 |
Research on Simulation and Evaluation Methods of Ship Radiation Noise |
投稿时间:2024-10-18 修订日期:2025-01-06 |
中文摘要: |
为解决声纳系统测试、水声目标被动识别等领域船舶辐射噪声公开数据缺乏的问题,本文依据建立的船舶辐射噪声时域模型和实测船舶辐射噪声特点,对船舶辐射噪声进行了仿真,并且利用秩和检验、相关性分析、灰度关联分析分别对仿真信号功率谱的宽带连续谱成分、线谱成分和准周期性调制成分进行了定量评价,又通过模糊综合评价法实现各评价指标的综合,最终得到评价结果,该评价结果可为后续调整仿真参数或改进仿真方法提供参考,具有一定的工程意义。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to solve the problem of lack of public data of ship radiated noise in sonar system testing, underwater acoustic target identification and other fields, this paper simulates ship radiated noise based on established ship radiated noise time-domain model and measured ship radiated noise characteristics. Moreover, the broadband continuous spectrum components, line spectrum components and quasi-periodic modulation components of the simulation signals were quantitatively evaluated by means of rank sum test, correlation analysis and gray scale correlation analysis, and the evaluation indexes were synthesized by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Finally, the evaluation results were obtained, which could provide reference for subsequent adjustment of simulation parameters or improvement of simulation methods. It has certain engineering significance. |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 船舶辐射噪声 秩和检验 灰色关联分析 模糊综合评价 |
英文关键词: Ship radiated noise Rank-sum test Grey correlation analysis Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation |
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