苏婳,康健.喷泉视听感知对城市开放空间声景评估的影响*[J].,2021,40(5):668-675 |
喷泉视听感知对城市开放空间声景评估的影响* |
The influence of fountain''s audiovisual perception on the soundscape evaluation of urban open space |
投稿时间:2020-12-27 修订日期:2021-09-03 |
中文摘要: |
为了更好地指导在城市开放空间中通过设计和运用喷泉来改善声景,有必要深入理解喷泉视听感知对声景评估的作用机制。因此,该研究通过在一个带有中央喷泉的典型开放空间(伦敦罗素广场)中进行实地调查,探索了喷泉视听感知对空间整体声景评估的影响及其在空间上的差异。水景和水声分别为喷泉的视觉和听觉刺激。喷泉视听感知包含“感”(水景在多大程度主导视野和水声是否是最主导的声源)和“知”(对水景和水声从“非常差”到“非常好”的接受程度)两方面。空间因素包含表征空间有序变化的“与喷泉的距离”和表征空间特征区划的“是否位于喷泉核心观赏区”两个变量。结果表明:喷泉视听感知对空间整体声景评估的影响主要来自于对喷泉水景和水声的接受程度而非水景和水声的主导性。并且,对水景的接受程度和对水声的接受程度在影响空间整体声景评估上各有侧重:对水声的接受程度更能影响声景协调和声景愉悦性,对水景的接受程度更能影响声景品质和声景事件感。空间因素(“与喷泉的距离”和“是否位于喷泉核心观赏区”)会显著降低水景和水声的主导性,但是受访者对水景和水声的接受程度不受空间因素的影响,能够在整个场所内保持稳定;此外,喷泉视听感知的空间差异不是导致空间整体声景评估产生空间差异的原因。 |
英文摘要: |
Understanding how fountains'' audiovisual perception affects the overall soundscape evaluation can better guide our use of fountains to improve soundscape in urban open spaces. In this study, a field survey was conducted in London Russell Square, a typical open space with a central fountain, to explore how fountain''s audiovisual perception influences the overall soundscape evaluation and the spatial difference of such influences. Fountain''s audiovisual perception includes two aspects “Sensation” and “Interpretation”. “Sensation”, in this paper, is defined as to what extent waterscape dominates the visual field and whether water is the most dominant sound source. “Interpretation” is to rate the acceptance degree of waterscape and water sound from "very bad" to "very good". Spatial factors include two variables, gradual distancing from the fountain, and locating inside or outside of the core fountain viewing area. It has been found that it is the acceptance of fountain’s waterscape and water sound rather than its dominance that affects the influence of fountain''s audiovisual perception on the overall soundscape evaluation. There is also varying emphasis regarding how the acceptance of waterscape and water sound influences the overall soundscape evaluation. The acceptance of water sound affects soundscape appropriateness and pleasantness more, while that of waterscape affects the overall soundscape quality and eventfulness. Spatial factors significantly reduce the dominance of waterscape and water sound, but the acceptance degree is not affected by spatial factors and remains stable throughout the site. The spatial difference of fountain''s audiovisual perception does not result in the spatial difference of the overall soundscape evaluation. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2021.05.003 |
中文关键词: 声景,喷泉,视听感知,空间差异,城市开放空间 |
英文关键词: Soundscape, Fountain, Audiovisual perception, Spatial difference,Urban open space |
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