A Satisfaction grading and evaluation limiting method for the sound quality of range hood
投稿时间:2020-12-30  修订日期:2021-09-03
      声品质作为一种描述吸油烟机噪声听觉感知特性的手段已经被行业所接受,团体标准T/CAS 341-2019《吸油烟机噪声声品质测试方法》给出了吸油烟机声品质测试与建模方法,同时通过声品质指数给出了声品质的数值化表达。该标准为各厂商定量描述声品质提供了依据,但目前仍缺乏对产品声品质满意度级别的划分方法,这不利于声品质技术的推广应用。本文结合相关标准以及主观评价实验,以级别容量比为中间量构建声品质指数与分级限值之间的关系,实现了吸油烟机噪声声品质满意度的分级,为吸油烟机噪声感知评价标准或规范的制定提供了科学依据,同时为其他消费品声品质评价与分级提供了有益参考。
      Sound quality has been accepted by the industry as a means of describing the acoustic perception characteristics of range hood noise. The group standard T/CAS 341-2019 " Test Method for Sound Quality of Range Hood" gives the sound quality testing and modeling methods of range hoods. Simultaneously, the numerical expression of sound quality is given through the sound quality index. This standard provides a basis for manufacturers to quantitatively describe sound quality, but there is still a lack of classification methods for product sound quality satisfaction grades, which is not conducive to the promotion and application of sound quality technology. This paper combines relevant standards and subjective evaluation experiments to construct the relationship between the sound quality index and the grading limit with the categorized volume ratio as an intermediate quantity, and realizes the sound quality classification of range hoods. This method provides a scientific basis for the formulation of noise perception evaluation standards or specifications for range hoods, and also provides a useful reference for the sound quality evaluation and classification of other products.
中文关键词: 吸油烟机噪声,心理声学,声品质,满意度,限值
英文关键词: range hood noise, psychoacoustics, sound quality, satisfaction, limit
党博 西北工业大学 dangbo@mail.nwpu.edu.cn 
陈克安* 西北工业大学 kachen@nwpu.edu.cn 
张珺 西北工业大学  
于巍巍 杭州老板电器股份有限公司  
张凯歌 杭州老板电器股份有限公司  
周海昕 杭州老板电器股份有限公司  
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