Research on nonlinear ultrasonic phased array imaging based on amplitude modulation
投稿时间:2021-01-08  修订日期:2021-11-04
      Ultrasonic phased array is a common material defect location and imaging technology in ultrasonic testing, which can quickly image defects like cracks, holes. However, traditional ultrasonic phased array method is less sensitive to smaller defects such as closed cracks. Nonlinear ultrasonic signals are widely concerned because of their sensitivity to material degradation and minor defects. Aiming at the detection of fatigue closed cracks, this paper proposes a nonlinear ultrasonic phased array imaging method based on amplitude modulation, which measures the sound energy difference in the ultrasonic diffusion field under two focusing modes of physical focus and virtual focus, and uses the sound energy difference as the nonlinear parameter to realize the positioning imaging and quantitative characterization of the closed part of fatigue crack. The method was applied to the experimental measurement of fatigue cracks of 7075 aluminum alloy specimen, and the influence of the diffusion field signal delay on the results of nonlinear ultrasonic phased array imaging was studied. The results show that compared with the full focusing method commonly used in ultrasonic phased array, the nonlinear ultrasonic phased array imaging method can locate and image the closed part of fatigue crack more accurately. The choice of delay time has a great influence on the accuracy of fatigue crack length characterization. This paper studies the choice of delay time and optimizes the detection results.
中文关键词: 非线性超声成像  相控阵  幅度调制  闭合裂纹
英文关键词: nonlinear ultrasonic imaging  phased array  amplitude modulation  closed crack
刘志勇 华东理工大学 1054787560@qq.com 
滕达 华东理工大学  
项延训 华东理工大学  
摘要点击次数: 1127
全文下载次数: 1593
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