The pipeline leakage location method based on acoustic emission attenuation characteristics
投稿时间:2021-01-11  修订日期:2022-01-03
      Acoustic emission (AE) technology has the advantages of high sensitivity, strong real-time and large coverage. The acoustic wave generated by gas pipeline leakage attenuates in the process of propagation. Considering the viscous absorption and heat conduction of medium, the scattering and heat flux loss of metal pipeline, the acoustic wave attenuation model is established theoretically. The accuracy of the attenuation model is verified by fitting the attenuation coefficient through experiments. The traditional attenuation localization model is improved according to the characteristics of acoustic emission wide frequency band, and a wide-band localization model is proposed. Firstly, determine the frequency range of the leakage AE signal. Denoise the signal by Chebyshev band-pass filter, then decompose it by wavelet packet, and the energy each wavelet packet node is used to locate. A three-sensor localization model is proposed for the noise that cannot be completely filtered, which uses three sets of signals to make differences to reduce the influence of noise components. Experiments show that the wide-band localization model is more advantageous than traditional one in short distance transportation. When the leakage rate is 60ml/min, the localization error decreases from 8.90% to 3.43%. After adding a sensor, the error is further reduced to 2.59%, which proves the accuracy of the localization model in this paper.
中文关键词: 管道泄漏  声发射  衰减模型  小波包分解  定位模型
英文关键词: Pipeline  leakage,Acoustic  emission,Attenuation  model,Wavelet  packet decomposition,Positioning  model
张曦 华东理工大学 机械与动力工程学院 821852408@qq.com 
章兰珠* 华东理工大学 机械与动力工程学院 lzzhang@ecust.edu.cn 
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