Study on the calibration error mechanism of the infrasound sensitivity of microphones
投稿时间:2021-01-27  修订日期:2021-11-02
      Infrasound widely exists in nature and human activities. Due to the higher penetration and lower attenuation of infrasound, it is difficult to isolate and eliminate it, which has become the focus of attention for monitoring, protection and utilization of infrasound. The quantitative research of infrasound is realized by the measurement of microphones, and the primary calibration of microphone sensitivity is the prerequisite to ensure the measurement accuracy. This paper was based on the pressure leakage and heat conduction coupling attenuation model under the calibration principle of pistonphone. The numerical simulation of the sound field characteristics in the calibration chamber and the microphone back-cavity was carried out, which was based on COMSOL multi-physical simulation software. The model comparison method was innovatively proposed, which was the key to quantify the independent and coupling corrections of leakage and heat conduction accurately in the infrasound calibration. And the amplitude and phase variation mechanism of pressure leakage and heat conduction loss was verified and revealed. Furthermore, joint simulation of the calibration process was carried out. The simulation results show that the amplitude and phase frequency response of microphone sensitivity is significantly different in the vent-in-field and vent-out-field, but it is not related to leakage and heat conduction in the calibration chamber. The primary calibration of the microphone system was carried out based on the built primary calibration platform of the pistonphone. The significant difference between the amplitude sensitivity and phase sensitivity of microphone for vent-in-field and vent-out-field calibration mechanisms were revealed preliminarily by experimental means.
中文关键词: 泄漏与热传导  数值模拟  幅相特性  误差机理  灵敏度的原级校准
英文关键词: Leakage and heat conduction  numerical simulation  amplitude and phase characteristics  error mechanism  primary calibration of sensitivity
刘迪 山东理工大学交通与车辆工程学院 m19862576052@163.com 
刘爱冰 山东理工大学交通与车辆工程学院 liuaibing96@163.com 
陈峰 杭州新声传感科技有限公司 chenfeng1025@sina.com 
张帆* 山东理工大学交通与车辆工程学院 zf2005203981@126.com 
王惠恒 山东理工大学交通与车辆工程学院 773077491@qq.com 
武际兴 山东理工大学交通与车辆工程学院 1154939915@qq.com 
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