Phase correction and speckle tracking in plane wave transcranial ultrasound imaging
投稿时间:2021-03-05  修订日期:2022-01-05
      Accurate cerebral blood flow imaging is of great significance for the monitoring of brain function and the rapid diagnosis of brain diseases. However, the influence of skull on ultrasonic transmission may lead to problems such as imaging quality decline, inaccurate estimation of velocity or displacement, etc. In this paper, imaging and velocity estimation of intracranial scattering targets were carried out by combining the coherent plane-wave compounding method with the speckle tracking method, thus to realize the detection of cerebral blood flow velocity vector. In view of the ultrasonic phase distortion caused by the presence of skull, the influence of the phase distortion on imaging and speckle tracking was studied by numerical simulation and phantom experiment, and an approximate phase compensating method based on acoustic ray theory was used. The numerical results show that the relative error of target velocity estimation is about 55% due to the presence of skull, and the error is reduced to about 12% after phase correction. In the phantom experiment, the average errors of target displacement size and angle estimation are about 16% and 28% respectively before correction, and both are reduced to about 1% after correction. The research results can provide theoretical guidance and technical support for the development of ultrasonic diagnosis and treatment equipment for craniocerebral diseases.
中文关键词: 平面波成像  相干复合  散斑追踪  经颅超声
英文关键词: plane wave imaging  coherent composite  speckle tracking  transcranial ultrasound  
李倩岩 中科院声学所&中国科学院大学 liqianyan0@163.com 
苏畅* 中科院声学所&中国科学院大学 suchang@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
林伟军 中科院声学所&中国科学院大学 linwj@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
郑音飞 浙江大学生物医学工程与仪器科学学院&之江实验室超级感知研究中心 zyfnjupt@126.com 
武小晴 中科院声学所&中国科学院大学 wuxiaoqing@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
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