Analysis and Optimization of Radiation Noise from Sheet Metal Structure of Air Conditioner Outdoor Unit
投稿时间:2021-03-14  修订日期:2022-02-26
      Aiming at the problem of abnormally twice fundamental frequency (176Hz) noise peak at the back of the AC outdoor unit when the compressor speed is of 5280rpm, based on the working principle of the dual-rotor compressor, calculate the twice fundamental frequency torque of the double-rotor compressor in the suction and discharge process. Establish a finite element model of the outdoor unit, apply twice fundamental frequency torque, and calculate the frequency response of the unit using the modal superposition method. It is preliminarily determined that there is resonance at the back plate near 172 Hz, resulting in an abnormally twice fundamental frequency at the measuring position. Based on the indirect boundary element method, the frequency response calculation result of the finite element model is imported into the acoustic simulation software, and the acoustic contribution of the 6 parts of the sheet metal frame to the measuring point is further calculated, and it is finally determined that the resonance of the back plate, partition plate, and front panel causes excessively high frequency peak at the measuring point. Based on the topography optimization technology, optimize the profile of the back plate to increase the natural frequency from 172Hz to 201.5Hz, which in turn avoids resonance of back plate; at the same time, the front panel is provided with a profiled convex hull, and the partition plate is partially attached with damping, making the peak of twice fundamental frequency(176Hz) reduced from 55.74dBA to 45.11dBA, effectively improving the sound quality of the AC outdoor unit.
中文关键词: 空调室外机,双转子压缩机,两倍频,激励提取,模态叠加,间接边界元,形貌优化
英文关键词: AC  outdoor unit, double-rotor  compressor, twice  fundamental frequency, modal  superposition, indirect  boundary element, topography  optimization
杜明龙* 青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司 青岛 duminglong@hisensehitachi.com 
丛辉 青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司 青岛 conghui@hisensehitachi.com 
邓玉平 青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司 青岛 dengyuping@hisensehitachi.com 
闫丽俊 青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司 青岛 yanlijun@hisensehitachi.com 
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