Sound field simulation based on a compound phonon structure and a design of noise - piezoelectric conversion
投稿时间:2021-03-15  修订日期:2022-03-01
      城市噪声作为一种污染源,对人们的生活造成不便;同时噪声中蕴含的能量被浪费,而没有合理利用。为了解决此问题,本工作设计引入了点缺陷的声子晶体、纤维层、压电材料复合结构,对入射噪声进行有效吸收并在点缺陷处对入射声压有较明显的声压加强。采用有限元和边界元的方法,对该复合结构的降噪发电效果进行数值模拟。结果显示在输入声压为2 Pa时,声子晶体结构带隙1.1 KHz处,吸声系数达到0.6,压电片有最高的输出电压0.5 V,输出功率密度达到308.49μw/(cm)^3。与传统降噪结构相比能更好地实现对声能的吸收与利用。
      As a kind of pollution source, urban noise causes inconvenience to people''s life. At the same time, the energy contained in the noise is wasted, but not used properly. In order to solve this problem, a phonon crystal, fiber layer and piezoelectric composite structure with point defects are introduced in this work to effectively absorb incident noise and enhance incident sound pressure obviously at point defects.Finite element and boundary element methods are used to numerically simulate the noise reduction effect of the composite structure.The results show that when the input sound pressure is 2 Pa, the sound absorption coefficient reaches 0.6 at 1.1 kHz of the band gap of phonon crystal structure, the piezoelectric plate has the highest output voltage of 0.5 V, and the output power density reaches 308.49μw/(cm)^3. Compared with traditional noise reduction structures, the new structure can realize the absorption and utilization of sound energy better.
中文关键词: 点缺陷声子晶体  纤维颗粒复合吸声结构  压电材料  声能-电能转化
英文关键词: phonon crystal structure with point defects  fiber-granule composite structure of sound absorption  piezoelectric materials  acoustic-electrical energy conversion
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51904216) ;国家大学生创新训练项目(202010497007)
全飞熊 武汉理工大学理学院物理系 422645190@qq.com 
陈浠庆 武汉理工大学理学院物理系 1535753287@qq.com 
李晨 武汉理工大学理学院物理系 641538471@qq.com 
陈亚柯 武汉理工大学理学院物理系 1026182974@qq.com 
尹源 武汉理工大学理学院物理系 1846423382@qq.com 
陈瑞扬 武汉理工大学理学院物理系 1072991130@qq.com 
阎一诺 武汉理工大学理学院物理系 1076219261@qq.com 
罗雯* 武汉理工大学理学院物理系 luowen_1991@whut.edu.cn 
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