Measurement of cavitation noise level by spectral analysis of cavitation noise in ultrasonic cleaning device
投稿时间:2021-03-17  修订日期:2022-03-01
      Cavitation intensity is used to measure the intensity of cavitation in liquid medium and cavitation effect plays a key role in ultrasonic cleaning, therefore, the cavitation activity can be known by measuring the cavitation intensity in the ultrasonic cleaning bath. When cavitation occurs, complex cavitation noise will be produced in liquid medium. The cavitation noise level can be obtained by analyzing and calculating the cavitation noise spectrum, then the cavitation intensity can be judged. The experimental results show that the steady cavitation distribution in the large ultrasonic cleaning device is extensive and uniform, and the transient cavitation distribution is concentrated; the steady cavitation and transient cavitation distribution in the small ultrasonic cleaning bath are uniform. The spatial average of cavitation noise level can better represent the overall cavitation intensity in the sound field environment of small ultrasonic cleaning tank; but for the sound field environment of large ultrasonic cleaning device, the spatial average of cavitation noise level can represent the steady cavitation intensity, and the transient cavitation intensity should be measured in the area where transient cavitation occurs.
中文关键词: 超声清洗,空化噪声级,空化强度,瞬态空化,稳态空化
英文关键词: Ultrasonic cleaning, cavitation noise level, cavitation intensity, transient cavitation, steady cavitation
吴博悦 杭州应用声学研究所 heinzrommelwby@163.com 
陈毅* 杭州应用声学研究所 y.chen @163.com 
李建成 杭州应用声学研究所  
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