Numerical study on noise characteristics of T-shaped three-way water pipeline
投稿时间:2021-03-27  修订日期:2022-03-01
      In the operation of the water and pipeline system, there will be large vibration and flow noise. As a dipole sound source, the turbulent pulsating pressure in the liquid filling pipeline will form flow noise and stimulate the flow-excited noise on the pipe wall. In order to reveal the difference between the fluid-excited noise and the fluid noise characteristics of the water pipeline system, the acoustic modes, structural modes and coupling modes of the liquid-filled pipeline with different thickness are calculated based on the finite element method. The relationship between flow noise and pipeline acoustic characteristics is discussed based on hybrid calculation method of computational fluid dynamics and acoustic boundary element method. The characteristics of flow noise and flow-excited noise under variable flow velocity are calculated and analyzed, and the characteristics of flow-excited noise under variable thickness are calculated and analyzed. Compare flow noise with flow- excited noise of variable velocity and thickness. The results show that the peak frequency of the flow noise is affected by the acoustic mode of the pipeline, as the flow velocity increases, the flow noise energy will increase but the peak frequency remains the same;while the peak frequency of the flow-excited noise is affected by the coupled mode of the pipeline, When the thickness changes, the peak frequency changes; the amplitude of the flow noise is greater than the amplitude of the flow-excited noise.
中文关键词: 充液管路  流噪声  流激振动噪声  混合计算法
英文关键词: liquid-filled pipeline  flow noise  fluid-excited noise  hybrid method
李宁 高性能船舶技术教育部重点实验室(武汉理工大学) 湖北 武汉 LN_19980103@163.com 
陈林 中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 chldysh@163.com 
林鸿洲 高性能船舶技术教育部重点实验室(武汉理工大学) 湖北 武汉 877827254@qq.com 
王献忠* 高性能船舶技术教育部重点实验室(武汉理工大学) 湖北 武汉 xianzhongwang@whut.edu.cn. 
叶曦 中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 yexi0527@163.com 
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