The influence of environmental vibration from the trains in the throat area of metro depot
投稿时间:2021-04-12  修订日期:2021-11-03
      Over-track building construction in subway depots has the advantage of comprehensive utilization of land resources. The vibration caused by trains in depots, especially in throat areas, is an environmental constraint in the development of over-track buildings. To study the influence of environmental vibration from the trains in throat area, a 3D track-soil-building finite element model was established and was verified by measurement results. Based on the vertical vibration acceleration sampled on the rail, the equivalent line load on rails vertically was obtained by a simplified model. On the basis of verifying the simulation model by measurement results, the influences of story number and structure of buildings and the influences of thickness and height of over-track platform above ground on vibration (the maximum vertical Z-weighted VLZmax) in over-track buildings were quantitatively studied. Results showed that the vibration in high-rise buildings was higher than that in multi-story buildings. The VLZmax at the center of different floor increased with the rise of building floor, which was mainly induced by the superposition of incident wave and vibration wave reflected at the free end of roof. The VLZmax of floor in frame building is higher than that in shear wall building. It decreased when the thickness of the over-track platform increased, but increased when the absolute height of floor increased. The above results can provide theoretical and engineering references for vibration pollution prevention in the development of over-track construction.
中文关键词: 地铁车辆段  上盖建筑  有限元仿真  环境振动
英文关键词: metro depot  over-track building  ?nite element method  environmental vibration
程保青 中国铁路设计集团有限公司 1029231012@qq.com 
郭婧怡* 浙江大学环境与资源学院 jyguo@zju.edu.cn 
蒋浩杰 浙江大学环境与资源学院 3170103032@zju.edu.cn 
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