Automatic classification of acoustic scene based on neural network
投稿时间:2021-04-12  修订日期:2022-05-05
      Sound is one of the elements of human perception of the external world, which is closely related to human daily work and life. Acoustic scene detection and automatic classification help human beings to formulate correct strategies to deal with specific environments, which has important research value. With the development of convolutional neural networks (CNN), many CNN-based acoustic scene classification methods have emerged. Among them, the Temporal-Spectral CNN (TS-CNN) adopts Temporal-Spectral attention module, which is one of the best methods for classification of acoustic scenes at present, but because of its complex structure and low operation efficiency, it is difficult to achieve the best classification performance. To this end, this paper proposes a convolutional neural network model (TSCNN-CL) based on cooperative learning to improve the computational efficiency of the acoustic scene classification model, which can train multiple classifier heads simultaneously on one network without additional test costs. Furthermore, TSCNN-CL can reduce the occurrence of gradient explosion and gradient disappearance. Comprehensive experiments on ESC-10, ESC-50, and UrbanSound8k datasets show that the classification performance of TSCNN-CL model outperforms the TS-CNN model and has compelling advantages in comparison with some other state-of-art models.
中文关键词: 环境声音分类,时频卷积神经网络,协同学习,声音信号处理
英文关键词: environmental sound classification  time-spatial convolutional neural network  collaborative learning  sound signal processing
梁腾 中国石油大学(华东)海洋与空间信息学院 liangteng1996@foxmail.com 
姜文宗 中国石油大学(华东) jiangwenzong1@gmail.com 
王立 中国石油大学(华东) li.wang.upc@foxmail.com 
刘宝弟 中国石油大学(华东) thu. liubaodi@gmail.com 
王延江* 中国石油大学(华东) yjwang@upc.edu.cn 
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