Application of the racetrack electromagnetic coil transducer in online ultrasonic testing system for heavy haul freight train
投稿时间:2021-05-06  修订日期:2022-05-05
      The radiated sound field in steel produced by the Lorentz force transduction mechanism of the racetrack coil electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer was studied for the engineering application of the on-line ultrasonic flaw detection system for wheels. According to the external magnetic field and coil configuration, the surface force source is approximated as a non-uniform horizontal shear force source. The directivity diagram of the radiated sound field of this force source is obtained by numerical calculation and compared with the experimental results. The result shows that the radiated horizontally polarized transverse wave has strong directivity in the central axis and weak on both sides. The results were guidance for understanding the radiated acoustic field of the racetrack coil electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer and its engineering application of online wheel rim crack defect testing for heavy haul freight train.
中文关键词: 跑道形电磁线圈  重载货车车轮  辋裂缺陷  在线车轮超声检测  超声声场指向性
英文关键词: racetrack electromagnetic coil  heavy haul freight train wheel  rim crack defect  online train wheel ultrasonic testing  ultrasound field directivity
吴迪* 北京交通大学理学院 diwu@bjtu.edu.cn 
邵嘉麒 北京交通大学理学院 19271070@bjtu.edu.cn 
毕超 中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司金属及化学研究所 hebeiguan@163.com 
张博南 北京信泰智合科技发展公司 jobzbn@163.com 
王亚平 北京交通大学理学院 wangyaping@bjtu.edu.cn 
滕永平 北京交通大学理学院 ypteng@bjtu.edu.cn 
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