Research on GIS breakdown discharge location method based on compressed sensing estimation
投稿时间:2021-05-17  修订日期:2022-05-03
      Classical spatial spectrum estimation methods, such as music, are sensitive to noise and difficult to estimate DOA effectively in low SNR environment. In order to improve the ability of GIS breakdown location in complex power environment, this paper proposes a spatial spectrum estimation method csp-doa based on optimized compressed sensing technology. In this method, the data received by the microphone array is modeled to form a multi measurement vector model, and the direction of arrival (DOA) is estimated by combining sparse reconstruction technology in compressed sensing; At the same time, polarization interpolation technology is used to solve the problem of sparsity grid in sparse reconstruction, which further improves the accuracy and efficiency of DOA estimation. The simulation results show that csp-doa method has better positioning effect for breakdown signal. Combined with the visible light image matching, the two-dimensional visual location of GIS breakdown source is realized. The experimental research on breakdown location is carried out on the GIS model of a high voltage hall. The experimental results further verify that the method can be better applied to the breakdown location of GIS.
中文关键词: 声学检测  击穿定位  波达方向估计  GIS设备  压缩感知
英文关键词: Acoustic detection  Positioning of breakdown  DOA estimation  Gas Insulated Switchgear  Compressive sensing
季怡萍 国网上海市电力公司上海电科院 595325832@qq.com 
田昊洋 国网上海市电力公司上海电科院 1515439909@qq.com 
高凯 国网上海市电力公司上海电科院 1515439909@qq.com 
周谷亮 国网上海市电力公司 1515439909@qq.com 
王枭* 上海睿深电子科技有限公司 1515439909@qq.com 
任茂鑫 国网上海市电力公司上海电科院 1515439909@qq.com 
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