陈勇,†吴鸣,杨军.传声器阵列声压级在线校准*[J].,2022,41(4):626-633 |
传声器阵列声压级在线校准* |
An investigation on real-time calibration of microphone array sound pressure level |
投稿时间:2021-06-15 修订日期:2022-06-29 |
中文摘要: |
在户外环境中对某一目标噪声源进行声压级测量时,由于单个传声器不能在多声源干扰情况下有效监测目标信号,为了有效抑制非目标信号的干扰,通常利用传声器阵列进行波束形成从而对目标信号进行增强。MEMS传声器阵列由于体积小,价格低等优点而得到广泛使用,为了解决在户外进行噪声监测时,MEMS然而MEMS传声器阵列器件的工艺误差和灵敏度退化问题会导致波束形成滤波器的性能下降存在由器件工艺误差和老化所导致的声压级测量不准确问题,从而影响声压级的测量结果。为了解决这一问题,本文介绍了一种通过比较补偿参考传声器与传声器阵列之间的测量声压级之偏差进行从而实时在线校准的方法。该方法利用TDOA多声源定位方法在时频点上对实时采集的信号对所采集的信号在时频点上挑选有效目标信号进行有效挑选,并利用参考传声器的标准频响特性去修正阵列的声压级测量误差值。为了验证方法的可行性,本文通过实验比较了不同环境噪声干扰下的测量声压级差与无干扰条件下的测量声压级差的一致性,结果证明该校准方法在具有较好高的精确性和鲁棒性,并且可推广于任意一种阵型的传声器阵列声源定位装置噪声监测装置。 |
英文摘要: |
Since a single microphone cannot select the efficient target signal from a mixed sound source when measuring the sound pressure level of a target noise source in an outdoor environment, the microphone array is used to enhance the target signal by beamforming so as to restrain the interference of non-target signals effectively. Due to the advantage of small size and low price, MEMS microphone arrays are widely used, but the MemsMEMS microphone mismatch is a common phenomenon which naturally arises from production tolerances as well as from aging effects in the long run. In order to calibrate the sound pressure level measurement error caused by the microphone mismatch when outdoor noise monitoring was is performed, a real-time calibration method were introduced in this paper by compensating the sound pressure level difference between athe reference microphone and the memsMEMS microphone array. were introduced in this paper. This method uses tThe TDOA multi-sound source localization algorithm was utilized to select effective target signal component on time-frequency domain, and uses the standard transfer functions of the reference microphone was utilized to correct the sound pressure level measurement errorbias of the array. In order to verify the feasibility of the method, this paper compares compared the consistency of the sound pressure level difference between the target sound source interferenced by multiple-noise environmental noise and a the single target soundnoise source environment through experiments. 。The calibration method expresses expressed a good accuracy and robustness by results, and can be applied to any type of microphone array sound source localization device. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2022.04.015 |
中文关键词: 户外噪声监测 波束形成 在线声压级校准 MEMS传声器阵列 TDOA多声源定位 MEMS 传声器 |
英文关键词: Outdoor noise monitoring Beamforming Online Ssound pressure level calibration TDOA multi-sound source localization MemsMEMS microphone |
基金项目:(11804365号码) 特别说明:凡涉及国防、军用等科研项目的,建议一概不写;涉及军事敏感词的,尽量回避。,国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目) |
摘要点击次数: 800 |
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