Ultrasonic shot peening with piezoelectric vibrator array
投稿时间:2021-06-18  修订日期:2022-06-29
      In order to improve the working area, efficiency and quality of ultrasonic shot peening on the workpiece, the traditional ultrasonic shot peening with single ultrasonic vibrator is improved. A piezoelectric vibrator array ultrasonic shot peening method is proposed. The experimental prototype is designed and the mechanism of ultrasonic shot peening is analyzed. The optimal design of piezoelectric vibrator is carried out. The vibration response of the vibration disk is analyzed. The area distribution of the shot impacting the workpiece by using experimental prototype is tested under different ultrasonic power. The influence of ultrasonic power, shot peening distance, shot diameter, and shot peening time on the microhardness of the workpiece is explored. The combination of process parameters for the best shot peening effect on the surface of the workpiece is determined. The results show that taking the power of ultrasonic power supply as the only variable, the area of the impact area increases with the increase of the power of ultrasonic power supply, and the impact area is distributed in small intervals. After array ultrasonic peening, the surface microhardness and microhardness improvement rate of 7075 aluminum alloy increase with the increase of ultrasonic power, shot peening time, shot peening distance and shot diameter. The results show that the shot peening effect is the best when the ultrasonic power is 50W, the shot peening time is 20min, the shot peening distance is 5mm, and the shot diameter is 1.5mm. The surface microhardness of the workpiece is increased by 65.1HV, and the improvement rate of surface microhardness is 36.7%. The ultrasonic shot peening with piezoelectric vibrator array can effectively increase the impact area of shot peening on the workpiece, cause greater plastic deformation of the workpiece surface material, and improve the surface microhardness and shot peening efficiency of the workpiece.
中文关键词: 压电振子阵列  超声喷丸强化  优化设计  显微硬度
英文关键词: piezoelectric vibrator array  ultrasonic shot peening  optimal design  microhardness
李朝阳 四川大学机械工程学院 1414244146@qq.com 
李道朋 四川大学机械工程学院 2711927970@qq.com 
张炜舜 四川大学机械工程学院 820229983@qq.com 
傅波* 四川大学机械工程学院 bofu@scu.edu.cn 
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