田丽,郑 昊,谢 伟,李发琪,王智彪.超声激发声信号幅值实时监测HIFU焦域组织损伤*[J].,2022,41(4):520-526
Real time monitoring of tissue damage in HIFU focal region by ultrasonic excitation acoustic signal amplitude
投稿时间:2021-06-21  修订日期:2022-06-30
      Real time damage monitoring in the process of focused ultrasound ablation is a key problem in clinical treatment. Dual frequency focused ultrasound can not only improve the treatment efficiency, but also stimulate the acoustic signal in the confocal region. The amplitude and frequency of the acoustic signal are closely related to the mechanical and acoustic characteristics of the focal region tissue. In this paper, a dual frequency focused ultrasound treatment and tissue damage real-time monitoring system is constructed. During the process of focused ultrasound irradiating the tissue in vitro, the system receives the tissue acoustic emission signal excited by dual frequency through the external hydrophone, and carries out high-speed data acquisition, digital filtering, time-frequency processing and so on through the upper computer to analyze the change law between the amplitude of acoustic emission signal and the tissue damage in vitro. The experimental results show that: with the formation of focal area tissue damage, its elastic and other acoustic characteristics change, resulting in the gradual decrease of acoustic emission signal amplitude, indicating that the change of acoustic emission signal amplitude can better reflect the changes of acoustic characteristics and structure of target tissue, so as to realize the real-time monitoring of target tissue damage in focused ultrasound therapy. The monitoring scheme proposed in this paper is more sensitive than traditional ultrasound image monitoring, which is expected to provide a new real-time monitoring scheme and means for tissue damage monitoring in focused ultrasound clinical treatment.
中文关键词: 聚焦超声  双频超声换能器  声发射信号  实时监测
英文关键词: Focused ultrasound  dual-frequency ultrasound transducer  acoustic emission signal  real-time monitoring
田丽 重庆医科大学 1251972764@qq.com 
郑 昊 重庆医科大学超声医学工程国家重点实验室、生物医学工程学院  
谢 伟 重庆医科大学超声医学工程国家重点实验室、生物医学工程学院  
李发琪 重庆医科大学超声医学工程国家重点实验室、生物医学工程学院  
王智彪 重庆医科大学超声医学工程国家重点实验室、生物医学工程学院  
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