单鸣雷,杨雨,邱顺俐,束方勇,韩庆邦.曲面固壁附近空化泡溃灭动力学的 流体体积数值研究*[J].,2022,41(4):548-557
曲面固壁附近空化泡溃灭动力学的 流体体积数值研究*
Numerical study of cavitation bubble collapse dynamics near a curved wall by the volume of fluid method
投稿时间:2021-06-23  修订日期:2022-06-28
      The Volume of Fluid (VOF) method can capture and track the interface of multiphase flow conveniently and efficiently. It can be used to study the thermal dynamic characteristics of cavitation bubble collapse near the curved solid wall. Based on the VOF method, the motion of a single cavitation bubble near the curved solid wall is numerically simulated. The thermodynamic effects of cavitation bubble collapse process are analyzed from variation aspects, such as the experimental comparison, pressure field, velocity field, temperature field, collapse time, jet velocity and solid wall temperature. The results show that the thermodynamic behavior of the cavitation bubbles is affected by adjusting the position parameters, the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the bubble and the size of the curved solid wall. Under the influence of fluid motion and jet impingement, the high temperature and pressure generated at the moment of cavitation bubble collapsing increases the temperature of curved solid wall. The collapse effect of cavitation bubble near the curved solid wall studied in this paper reveals the interaction between the cavitation bubble and the curved solid wall, which is of great significance for academic research and engineering application.
中文关键词: VOF方法,空化泡,温度,曲面固壁
英文关键词: VOF method  cavitation bubble  temperature  curved solid wall
单鸣雷* 河海大学物联网工程学院 shanming2003@126.com 
杨雨 河海大学计算机与信息学院 young_0711@126.com 
邱顺俐 河海大学物联网工程学院 1696184967@qq.com 
束方勇 河海大学物联网工程学院 sfy1216@163.com 
韩庆邦 河海大学物联网工程学院 hqb0092@163.com 
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