王翰卓,李风华.随机多项式展开多特征向量约束-匹配场 声源定位算法*[J].,2022,41(4):512-519
随机多项式展开多特征向量约束-匹配场 声源定位算法*
A sound source localization algorithm using multi-eigenvectors constrained matched field processor based on polynomial chaos expansion
投稿时间:2021-07-09  修订日期:2022-06-30
      The environmentally tolerant multiple-eigenvectors constrained minimal variance matched field processor is a tool for source localization in stochastic and uncertain ocean medium. In order to implement this procedure, the accurate estimation of the cross-spectral density matrix for the complex pressure of the copy filed is needed. And the Monte Carlo statistical method for estimating these matrices is time-consuming. To solve the problem, we approximate the stochastic complex sound pressure as a series of which the bases are orthogonal polynomials. The input variables of these polynomials are random variables which represents the randomness and uncertainties of the environment. The simulation results show that under the condition of low sound frequency and shallow water, as the sound speeds are randomly fluctuated, the method of polynomial chaos expansion improve the computation efficiency by an order of magnitude than the Monte Carlo statistical method for estimating the cross-spectral density matrices. Under the conditions of high input signal-to-noise ratio, the multiple-eigenvectors constrained matched filed source localization algorithm performs better in correct localization rate and outputs’ peak to background ratios than those of the Bartlett and minimal variance matched filed processors.
中文关键词: 匹配场算法,声源定位,随机多项式展开,声传播起伏
英文关键词: Matched field processor, Source localization, Polynomial chaos expansion, Sound propagation fluctuation
王翰卓* 中国科学院声学研究所 sdi_2013@163.com 
李风华 中国科学院声学研究所 lfh@mail.ioa.ac.cn 
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