林基艳,林书玉,钟兴华.周期性扇形孔结构对斜槽型纵扭复合模态超声振动系统性能的影响*[J].,2022,41(5):688-698 |
周期性扇形孔结构对斜槽型纵扭复合模态超声振动系统性能的影响* |
Effect of Periodic Fan-shaped Hole Structure on Performance of Longitudinal and Torsional Composite Modal Ultrasonic Vibration System Based on Skew Structure |
投稿时间:2021-07-20 修订日期:2022-08-30 |
中文摘要: |
为了解决基于斜槽结构的模式转换型纵扭复合模态超声振动系统存在的扭转分量较小、纵、扭转化效率较低的问题,论文对基于周期性扇形孔和斜槽结构的模式转换型纵扭复合模态超声振动系统进行了研究,主要仿真分析了扇形孔结构参数对基于斜槽结构的模式转换型纵扭复合模态超声振动系统谐振频率、扭转振幅、旋转角度和剪切应力的影响规律,并找到使系统获得最佳纵扭转换效率的扇形孔结构参数,且求解出扇形孔结构的引入对系统性能的改善幅度。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to solve the problem of small torsional components and low longitudinal and torsional efficiency in the mode conversion type longitudinal torsion composite mode ultrasonic vibration system based on the chute structure, the paper discusses the mode conversion type based on the periodic sector hole and the chute structure. The longitudinal torsion composite modal ultrasonic vibration system was studied. The main simulation analysis of the fan-shaped hole structure parameters on the mode conversion type longitudinal torsion composite modal ultrasonic vibration system resonance frequency, torsion amplitude, rotation angle and shear stress, and found The fan-shaped hole structure parameters that enable the system to obtain the best longitudinal torsion conversion efficiency, and solve the improvement range of the system performance by the introduction of the fan-shaped hole structure. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2022.05.002 |
中文关键词: 斜槽型纵扭复合模态超声振动系统 周期性扇形孔结构 扭转振幅 旋转角度 剪切应力 |
英文关键词: longitudinal-torsional composite mode ultrasonic vibration system of skew structure periodic fan-shaped hole structure torsion amplitude rotation angle shear stress |
基金项目:基于声子晶体结构的复合模态功率超声换能器的研究,国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目)复合型功率超声CYMBAL换能器的研究 |
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