赵焕绮,陈克安,宋怡璠,李豪,邓云云.中国人典型用餐环境中的隆巴尔效应及 噪声对消费情况的影响[J].,2022,41(5):822-829
中国人典型用餐环境中的隆巴尔效应及 噪声对消费情况的影响
The Lombard effect in the Chinese dining environment and the influence of noise on consumption
投稿时间:2021-08-05  修订日期:2022-08-30
      摘要:中国典型餐厅及相应文化背景下的隆巴尔效应(Lombard effect)与西方餐厅有何差异目前尚未有人研究。本文通过实验室实验和现场实验,确定了不同类型中国人用餐环境下的隆巴尔效应的起点与曲线斜率,并研究了餐厅背景噪声对消费情况的影响,同时对比分析了中西餐厅环境下结果差异。实验室实验表明,与西方餐厅中的隆巴尔斜率相比,中国餐厅的隆巴尔斜率偏低;隆巴尔斜率明显变大的起点大致相同。现场实验表明,声级变化较稳定部分的隆巴尔斜率整体相对于实验室实验都偏高。而且,消费欲望主要受噪声干扰程度的影响。研究结果可为改善餐厅声环境提供理论依据。
      Abstract: It is necessary for investigating the difference of Lombard effect between the dining cultural of typical Chinese restaurants and Western restaurants. The starting point and slope of the Lombard curve in different types of Chinese restaurants are determined using laboratory experiments and field experiments,. The influences of restaurant environmental noise on consumption were studied. An analysis of relevant results between Chinese and Western restaurant environments were conducted. The results show that in laboratory experiments, compared with the Lombard slopes in Western restaurants, those of Chinese restaurants are lower. The Lombard starting point is basically the same. In the field experiment, the Lombard slope of the part where the sound level change is relatively stable is higher than that of the laboratory experiments. The consumption is dominated by noise interference. The results provide a technical basis for improving the acoustic environment of the restaurants.
中文关键词: 餐厅声环境  隆巴尔效应  消费情况
英文关键词: restaurant acoustic environment  Lombard effect  consumption
赵焕绮 西北工业大学 huanqi_zhao@mail.nwpu.edu.cn 
陈克安* 西北工业大学 kachen@nwpu.edu.cn 
宋怡璠 西北工业大学 song0405@mail.nwpu.edu.cn 
李豪 西北工业大学 15399074339@mail.nwpu.edu.cn 
邓云云 西北工业大学 yydeng@mail.nwpu.edu.cn 
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