Design of echo detection algorithm for continuous active sonar composed of orthogonal polyphase codes
投稿时间:2021-08-15  修订日期:2022-08-29
      Compared with conventional pulsed active sonar (PAS), continuous active sonar (CAS) can improve the time processing gain of target echoes and target information update rate. In this paper, a continuous transmitting waveform composed of orthogonal polyphase codes is proposed, the models of the transmitting signal and target echo are analyzed, and a multi-channel matched filter bank is designed to detect echoes. In order to improve the detection performance of the receiver, a multi-channel incoherent integration method is proposed. In the simulation, the performance of Doppler resolution and target information update rate of the proposed continuous waveform are analyzed. After obtaining the ROC curves by Monte Carlo method, under the condition of uniform reverberation background, the difference of single target detection performance between PAS and CAS is compared. The simulation results show that the proposed continuous wave has good Doppler resolution, and the echo detection algorithm can significantly improve single target detection performance under the condition of uniform reverberation background.
中文关键词: 连续波主动声呐,正交多相码,多通道,非相干积累,ROC曲线
英文关键词: CAS, orthogonal  polyphase codes, multi-channel, non-coherent  integration, ROC
颜恒平 海鹰企业集团有限责任公司 yanhengping@163.com 
刘大利* 天津工业大学 liudalildl@139.com 
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