王维,刘鑫邦.考虑噪声烦恼度的机场飞机噪声收费模型和 应用研究[J].,2022,41(5):794-801
考虑噪声烦恼度的机场飞机噪声收费模型和 应用研究
Research on the methodology of aircraft noise charging for airports considering noise annoyance
投稿时间:2021-08-24  修订日期:2022-08-31
      With the rapid development of China''s civil aviation transportation industry, the impact of airport noise on the environment is becoming increasingly serious. It is a common practice in civil aviation developed countries to collect noise control funds from airlines or passengers. This paper presents an airport noise charge model based on aircraft noise characteristics, noise annoyance, noise control investment cost and capital recovery period. The aircraft noise characteristics are determined according to the airport noise classification of ACI, and the noise annoyance is constructed with the help of Mamdani model. The application shows that the model has the characteristics of comprehensive consideration of key factors, with advanced and concise calculation method, reasonable rate, in line with the principle of revenue based on expenditure advocated by ICAO, and is conducive to the formation of airline / passenger noise reduction incentive mechanism without inhibiting the growth of airport aviation business.
中文关键词: 机场噪声  收费模型  ACI飞机噪声分类  Mamdani模型
英文关键词: airport noise  Charging model  Noise charge  ACI aircraft noise rating index  Mamdani model
王维 中国民航大学交通科学与工程学院 854973011@qq.com 
刘鑫邦* 中国民航大学交通科学与工程学院 755081163@qq.com 
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