Sound analysis of cMUT element and circular scanning imaging
投稿时间:2021-08-26  修订日期:2022-02-27
      Capacitive micromechanical ultrasonic transducer (cMUT) has the advantages of wide bandwidth, high sensitivity, low mechanical impedance and integrated manufacturing with electronic circuits. Because the sound field design of ultrasonic transducer determines the imaging quality, in order to clarify the relationship between array parameters and radiated sound field, different array parameters are calculated and simulated in this paper. Different from the structure of the piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer, cMUT element is made up of multiple (cell) shunt capacitor unit. Therefore, the relationship between cell parameters such as cell radius, cell number, spacing and vibration frequency and radiated sound field distribution, far-near field boundary point, radiated sound pressure and directivity is analyzed, and the experimental test of sound axis sound pressure and directivity is carried out. The theoretical results are basically consistent with the experimental results. Through simulation calculation, a prepared cMUT single array component with strong directivity and good emission performance is selected to scan and image the chicken bone, realize the ultrasonic CT imaging of the cross section of biological tissue, and verify the availability of the prepared cMUT device. This research has important reference value for the field of industrial and medical imaging.
中文关键词: 电容式微机械超声换能器  声场  指向性  轴向声压  环形扫描成像
英文关键词: Capacitive micromechanical ultrasonic transducer  sound field  directivity  axial sound pressure  circular scanning imaging
基金项目:国家重点研发计划 (批准号:2018YFF0110500) 资助课题:基于MEMS技术的阵列式微型声压传感器研制 中北大学电子测试技术国家重点实验室 (批准号:6142001200408) 资助课题:面向图像声纳的新型宽频带微电容超声换能器技术研究 国家重大科学仪器研制项目 (批准号: 61927807) 资助课题:基于高密度cMUT面阵的乳腺三维超声CT成像系统研究,
高鹏飞 中北大学 gaopengfei988@163.com 
何常德 中北大学 hechangde@nuc.edu.cn 
张彦军* 中北大学 zhangyanjun@nuc.edu.cn 
张文栋 中北大学 wdzhang@nuc.edu.cn 
王红亮 中北大学 wanghongliang@nuc.edu.cn 
任勇峰 中北大学 renyongfeng@nuc.edu.cn 
党荣 中北大学 dangr0823@163.com 
李一凡 中北大学 1502054208@st.nuc.edu.cn 
王子渊 中北大学 ziyuanwang1996@163.com 
孟亚楠 中北大学 myn18035690408@163.com 
沈姝君 中北大学 yuer112288@163.com 
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