Detection of micro defects by mixing ultrasound
投稿时间:2021-09-15  修订日期:2022-05-21
      The reliability of high-end aircraft is often limited by the structural strength and service life of its engine internal disks and plates. Therefore, there is a huge demand for nondestructive testing of such components in the manufacturing industry. As a widely used, efficient and environment-friendly testing method, ultrasonic testing is often used in the testing of this kind of components. However, the reflection ability of micro defects in large thickness disks and plates is weak, and the conventional ultrasonic pulse reflection method can not detect them effectively. In order to realize the identification and location of micro defects in large thickness disks and plates, the collinear anisotropic longitudinal wave mixing method is used to identify micro defects through sum and difference frequency signal characteristics; The influence of the change of defect buried depth on the mixing effect is studied. The depth location of micro defects is realized by measuring the amplitude change of differential frequency signal. The results show that this method can effectively identify the φ0.2mm transverse hole micro defects with a buried depth of 80mm in 7075 aluminum alloy, and can realize the depth location of micro defects.
中文关键词: 共线异侧混频  和差频信号  微小缺陷定位  
英文关键词: Collinear opposite side mixing  Sum difference frequency signal  Minor defect location  
沙正骁 中国航发北京航空材料研究院 shazhengxiao@163.com 
曾甘露* 南昌航空大学 1345746568@qq.com 
梁菁 中国航发北京航空材料研究院 liangjing@ yeah. net 
陆铭慧 南昌航空大学 lunara@163.com 
何方成 中国航发北京航空材料研究院 fangcheng.he@biam.ac.cn 
陆传雨 南昌航空大学 1147889937@qq.com 
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