Multizone sound field reproduction based on target sound field sparse decomposition under reverberant environment
投稿时间:2021-09-29  修订日期:2022-06-09
      对于封闭空间内的声场重放,传统的多点声压匹配方法(Cov-PM)直接依据在目标声场测得的声压直接使用最小二乘来计算扬声器权重。然而这种方法要求较多的目标声场采样点以实现足够的精度。对于一类特殊的声场景,也就是目标声场是由少量声源辐射产生时,提出一种对目标声场稀疏分解的方法来进行混响环境下多域声场重构以降低对目标声场采样数量的要求。本文给出基于目标声场等效源稀疏分解多域重构方法(Sparse-ESM)理论推导,通过数值计算以及实验测试两种方式对比所提方法与最小二乘等效源分解方法以及Cov-PM的声场重放性能。数值结果表明,在600Hz 以上的频段,Sparse-ESM 方法的重构误差性能提升明显。实验结果也得出了与数值计算相同的结论。同时,还通过数值计算和实验测试两种方法证明了当目标声场声源方向波动时,Sparse-ESM 仍然可以保持与其余两类方法相近的声对比度同时实现较高的亮区重构精度。
      Sound field reproduction in reverberant environment is conventionally achieved by multi-point based pressure matching method (Cov-PM). However, this method requires a considerable number of microphones to record the target sound field in order to obtain accurate reproduction. With the assumption that the target sound field is generated by a small number of sources, a sparse equivalent source decomposition based multizone reproduction method (Sparse-ESM) is proposed to reduce the record microphone number. The theory of the proposed method is given in this paper, and the method performance is compared with least-square equivalent source decomposition-based method (LS-ESM) and the Cov-PM by simulation and experiment. Simulation results show that the Sparse-ESM improves the reproduction accuracy above the 600 Hz. Similar conclusion can be drawn from experiment results. At the same time, simulation and experiment results prove that the Sparse-ESM achieve the better reproduction accuracy and close acoustic contrast compared with the other two methods.
中文关键词: 多区域重放,声能量差异,稀疏分解
英文关键词: Multizone  reproduction,Acoustic  contrast,Sparse  decomposition
杜博凯 西北工业大学航海学院 西安 978064276@qq.com 
曾向阳* 西北工业大学航海学院 西安 zenggxy@nwpu.edu.cn 
洪汐 西北工业大学航海学院 西安 149520354@qq.com 
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