郑康琳†,王陶,樊平,李萍.混合物介质中声波尾波成因的随机过程分析*[J].,2023,42(1):154-158 |
混合物介质中声波尾波成因的随机过程分析* |
Analysis of coda formation of acoustic waves in mixtures by stochastic process |
投稿时间:2021-10-19 修订日期:2022-12-28 |
中文摘要: |
该文基于概率论随机过程原理及声波在混合物介质中传播时反射及散射的随机特性,把混合物介质抽象为三维各向同性的马尔科夫链,把声波在混合物介质中的传播过程抽象为大量声子在三维马尔科夫链中以声速进行“随机游走”的随机过程。用空间内某点声子出现的概率类比该点接收波振幅,以声子经过链的步数类比接收波时域曲线的时间,以此为基础用理论模型函数的参数之间的变化特征能较好解释了声波在混合物介质中传播时“峰波延后”及“尾波”等现象。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the principle of stochastic process of probability theory and the random characteristics of reflection and scattering of sound wave in the mixture medium, the mixture medium is abstracted as a three-dimensional isotropic Markov chain, and the propagation process of sound wave in the mixture medium is abstracted as a random process of a large number of phonons in the three-dimensional Markov chain at the speed of sound. The probability of the appearance of phonons at a point in space is used to simulate the amplitude of the received wave, and the steps of the phonon passing through the chain are compared with the time-domain curve of the received wave. Based on this, the phenomena of "peak wave delay" and "wake wave" can be well explained by using the variation characteristics of the parameters of the theoretical model function. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.01.020 |
中文关键词: 声波 混合物介质 随机过程 马尔科夫链 随机游走 散射 尾波 |
英文关键词: acoustic wave mixture medium random process markov chain random walk scattering coda |
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