Impedance and vibration analysis of the simulation model of the miniature balanced armature transducer including the magnetoresistance of the shell
投稿时间:2021-10-21  修订日期:2022-12-26
      In the existing "E"-type balanced armature equivalent magnetic circuit model simulation research, the influence of the magnetic resistance of the metal shell is usually not considered. In order to solve the non-linear magnetic resistance problem caused by the close contact between the metal shell and the balanced armature in the balanced armature transducer, based on the existing equivalent magnetic circuit model of the balanced armature transducer, this study introduced the consideration of the shell magnetic resistance. It analyzed the simulation results of the magnetic flux part and the state space equation of the mechanical part of the equivalent magnetic circuit model under different parameter conditions, and summarized the influence of different parameters on the impedance and diaphragm displacement of the model. Through simulation and comparison, it indicated that the influence of the shell reluctance on the displacement frequency response curve of the balanced armature transducer is 1~3dB. This study is considered of certain guiding significance for the frequency response curve deviation of the balanced armature earphones and hearing aid products including the metal shell design after assembly.
中文关键词: 平衡电枢换能器  金属外壳磁阻  非线性磁路分析  状态空间法
英文关键词: Balance-Armature Transducer  Metal Case Reluctance  Nonlinearities Magnetic Circuit  State space method
廖灿杰 广西民族大学电子信息学院 393396563@qq.com 
韦峻峰* 广西民族大学电子信息学院 weijunfeng@gxun.edu.cn 
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