The ultrasonic reflection evaluation method of solid-solid interfacial degradation
投稿时间:2021-11-05  修订日期:2022-12-27
      An approach based on the acoustic reflection of a bounded ultrasonic beam is proposed for the degradation evaluation of interfacial degradation of the solid-solid. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation are implemented. By using a spring model for simulating the interface between the two solids, the interfacial degradation can be characterized by the normal stiffness coefficient sand tangential interfacial stiffness coefficients. Under the conditions of different incident angles of a bounded ultrasonic longitudinal wave beam width and different degrees of interfacial degradation, the specular reflection coefficients of the reflected longitudinal waves and the transverse waves are obtained through numerical calculation. Furthermore, at a given incident angle, the variation of different degrees of the interfacial degradation on the specular reflection coefficient is also obtained by a 2D finite element model. It is shown that the specular reflection coefficients of the reflected longitudinal and transverse waves change with the incident angle of the bounded ultrasonic longitudinal wave beam and the interfacial stiffness coefficient. A specific incident angle in which the specular reflection coefficient changes sensitively and monotonously with the interfacial stiffness coefficient is found, which can be used to accurately evaluate the degree of interfacial degradation.
中文关键词: 有限宽超声束  镜面反射系数  界面退化特性  
英文关键词: bounded ultrasonic beam  specular reflection coefficient  interfacial degradation characteristics
徐帆 重庆大学 125164300@qq.com 
吴坤 重庆大学 365446289@qq.com 
许才彬 重庆大学 Caibinxu0839@cqu.edu.cn 
邓明晰* 重庆大学 dengmx65@yahoo.com 
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