Semantic description and analysis of noise characteristics in auditory perception
投稿时间:2021-11-09  修订日期:2022-12-23
      Noise semantic description based on auditory perception is a basic problem of product sound quality research. Previous studies have not linked the semantic description with specific information such as noise source, spectrum characteristics and product operation status. Therefore, this paper carried out three subjective evaluation experiments on three groups of typical noise: aircraft cabin noise, vehicle noise and air purifier noise, described the semantic space of three groups of noise through multi-dimensional scale analysis and principal component analysis, and systematically analyzed the descriptors of different types of noise, at the same time, the relationship between descriptors and physical properties of noise is explained. It is found that: aircraft cabin noise, vehicle noise and air purifier noise can be described by 4-D, 4-D and 3-D semantic space. Different types of noise have commonness and individuality in semantic description. The main dimensions for the three groups of noise are related to the sense of noisy, and the individual descriptors of noise are closely related to the physical properties of their sound sources. When modeling and applying sound quality, the effects of noise commonness and individuality descriptors on auditory perception should be considered at the same time, and targeted measures should be taken to further improve the sound quality of products. In this paper, the semantic description and analysis of noise characteristics are carried out from the perspective of auditory perception. The results can provide help for the research of product sound quality and noise control.
中文关键词: 声品质  主观评价  语义空间  听觉感知
英文关键词: sound quality  subjective evaluation  semantic space  auditory perception
李豪 西北工业大学航海学院 15399074339@mail.nwpu.edu.cn 
陈克安* 西北工业大学航海学院 kachen@nwpu.edu.cn 
尹秋阳 西北工业大学航海学院 2016300620@mail.nwpu.cn 
张珺 西北工业大学航海学院 15109203073@163.com 
俞贵涛 杭州方太智能科技有限公司 yugt@fotile.com 
殷久超 杭州方太智能科技有限公司 yanjca@fotile.com 
李晗 西北工业大学航海学院 1ihan941002@126.com 
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