宋志江,胡尚锋,李言钦.基于定量分析的气固两相流声速模型综述*[J].,2023,42(1):182-192 |
基于定量分析的气固两相流声速模型综述* |
Review on models of sound speed in gas-solid two-phase flow based on quantitative comparison |
投稿时间:2021-11-17 修订日期:2022-12-27 |
中文摘要: |
声波法是多相流测量的一种有效方法,可靠的声速模型是其中时差法等测量的理论基础。该文系统总结了国内外不同学者所建立的气固两相声速模型。为直观地呈现其差异、发展与局限,该文以颗粒相浓度的影响为例,采用模拟计算和实验测量相结合的方法对其中不同典型声速模型进行了定量分析与比较。结果表明,传统拟均相介质模型声速随颗粒浓度变化,与在其基础上考虑声波特性的改进模型,以及分别基于相间耦合和颗粒散射的声速模型差异均较大,且显著偏离实验测量值。其主要源于传统拟均相介质模型未考虑两相间相对运动的影响;而考虑相间相互作用的声速模型间虽有不同差异,但均与实验测量值较为接近,根据稀相区实验研究,所得声速值均较实验值偏小。 |
英文摘要: |
The acoustic method is an effective method for multiphase flow measurement. Wherein, reliable sound speed model underlines the acoustic method that is based on the sound flight time sheme. This paper systematically sorts out the gas-solid two-phase sound speed models established by different scholars, from different theoretical bearings. In order to intuitively present the difference, development, and defects, quantitative simulation and experimental measurements was performed for comparison and characterization between the sorted four different models. Relative to the coupled sound speed model, the scattering-based model, and the developed pseudo-homogenity model that considers acoustic characteristics, the traditional pseudo-homogenity sound speed model is remarkably smaller in terms of changing particle concentration in the gas-solid two phase flow. The reason was drawn that the latter does not consider the influence of the relative movement between the two phases in flow. By comparison, the other models considering the interaction between different phases give close sound speed values relative to the experimental measurements, with certain small drops. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.01.024 |
中文关键词: 声速模型 声波法测量 气固两相流 颗粒浓度 综述 |
英文关键词: sound speed model acoustic measurement gas-solid two phase flow particle concentration review |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 |
摘要点击次数: 728 |
全文下载次数: 1282 |
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