李光炬,罗平展,钱鹏,甘维明,邢锰.Mel频率倒谱系数平滑的耳机均衡*[J].,2023,42(1):67-75 |
Mel频率倒谱系数平滑的耳机均衡* |
MFCC-based Smoothing for Equalization of Headphone-to-Eardrum Transfer Function |
投稿时间:2021-11-22 修订日期:2022-12-28 |
中文摘要: |
适当均衡耳机到鼓膜的传递函数可有效提高耳机声重放效果。耳廓与耳道滤波效应引起的幅度峰谷有助于人耳听觉感知,以平直幅频响应为目标的幅度均衡无法保持适当的峰谷。本文提出了基于roex滤波器与Mel频率倒谱系数的耳机到鼓膜的传递函数平滑方法,用于模拟人耳听觉感知特性和平滑耳机到鼓膜的传递函数,使均衡后的幅频响应保持相应的峰谷,避免了幅度峰谷过渡均衡。实验结果表明,进行耳机到鼓膜的传递函数平滑的幅度均衡对提高耳机的音色有显著作用,基于Mel频率倒谱系数平滑的幅度均衡对提高耳机的音色最为显著。 |
英文摘要: |
Binaural headphone reproduction can be improved by appropriate equalization of Headphone-To-Eardrum Transfer Function (HETF). Equalization by direct inversion of HETF targeting at a flat frequency response cannot keep the beneficial peaks and valleys caused by pinna and ear canal filtering. To simulate human auditory filtering and smooth HETF, this research proposes two smoothing methods based on roex filtering and Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC). Thus, the peaks and valleys of the response are preserved to avoid over equalization. Subjective experiments show that perception of binaural headphone reproduction can be improved by smoothing HETF, and the performance is most significant by smoothing method based on MFCC. |
DOI:10.11684/j.issn.1000-310X.2023.01.009 |
中文关键词: 耳机到鼓膜的传递函数,Mel频率倒谱系数,平滑,均衡,耳机声重放 |
英文关键词: headphone-to-eardrum transfer function (HETF), mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC), smoothing, equalization, headphone reproduction |
基金项目:海南省自然科学基金青年基金(619QN265);海南省科协青年科技英才创新计划(QCXM201809) |
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