Research on measurement method of electroacoustic efficiency of spherical shell transducer and character analysis for acoustic field
投稿时间:2021-11-30  修订日期:2022-12-30
      In the high intensity focused ultrasound treatment system, the electroacoustic efficiency of the transducer is an important parameter in the treatment dose control, and its sound field distribution near the focal region is also important. In this study, the 1.12MHz spherical shell focused transducer is taken as the research object. The output acoustic power is measured based on the radiation force balance method and the plane scanning method. At the same time, the electroacoustic efficiency is calculated after measuring the excitation electric power, and its sound field characteristic distribution and nonlinear propagation phenomenon are briefly described. The electroacoustic efficiency measured by the two methods is within the allowable error range of acoustic measurement. The experimental results show that the two methods have good consistency in measuring the output acoustic power of spherical shell focusing transducer.
中文关键词: 球壳聚焦换能器  电声效率  辐射力天平法  平面扫描法  声场特性
英文关键词: spherical shell focused transducer  electroacoustic efficiency  radiation force balance  planar scanning technique  sound field characteristic
陈锦灵 中国计量大学 chenjinling1998@163.com 
王月兵* 中国计量大学 wyb_1963@163.com 
赵鹏 中国计量大学计量测试工程学院  
邢广振 中国计量科学研究院  
李荣基 中国计量大学计量测试工程学院  
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