Relationship between the landscape characteristics and the distribution of the soundscape in community parks : a case study of Lu Xun Park, Shenyang
投稿时间:2021-12-15  修订日期:2022-02-28
      Community parks provide public spaces for the everyday rest and social activities for nearby residents. The users are both the creators and the experiencers of the soundscape of the park. In the design of parks, practical significances for improving the health and well-being of human settlements and the fairness of space exists in taking the soundscape into consideration to create good auditory experiences while supporting residents'' leisure activities. This paper took a community park in a high-density city — Luxun Park in Shenyang, China as the research object, and explored the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the soundscape and residents'' soundscape experience through on-site soundscape evaluations and questionnaire surveys for visitors. Additionally, indices for the landscape characteristics were constructed to explore their relationship to the temporal and spatial distribution of the soundscape. The data showed that natural sounds, activity sounds, and traffic sounds together made up a rich soundscape in the park. The sound pressure level in the park and the perceived saliency of various acoustic events show different spatial and temporal distribution characteristics; the respondents'' evaluation of the pleasantness and disturbance of typical acoustic events shows clustering characteristics; based on this, the characteristics of the park landscape are constructed. The Natural Index, the Crowd Index and the Traffic Influence Index, which were significantly correlated with the perceived saliency of the corresponding sound events, respectively. Based on the correlation between landscape features and soundscape distribution, combined with the soundscape experience of park users, a community park soundscape optimization strategy supplementing the routine landscape design of parks was proposed.
中文关键词: 社区公园  声景时空分布  愉悦性  干扰性  景观特征  关联性
英文关键词: community parks  temporal and spatial characteristics of the soundscape  pleasantness  disturbance  landscape characteristics  relationship
张芮宁 沈阳建筑大学 ruiningzhang@stu.sjzu.edu.cn 
张圆* 沈阳建筑大学 y.zhang@sjzu.edu.cn 
刘洋 沈阳建筑大学 Y.LIU@stu.sjzu.edu.cn 
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