Transcranial ultrasound stimulation of the human hippocampus: A numerical simulation study
投稿时间:2021-12-20  修订日期:2023-03-01
      Neurological diseases such as Temporal lobe epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease are associated with abnormal discharges in the hippocampus of the brain. Transcranial ultrasound stimulation, which has emerged in recent years to treat brain diseases, is non-invasive, penetrates deep into brain tissue and can modulate hippocampal neuronal firing. In this paper, a numerical simulation model of ultrasonic transcranial stimulation of hippocampus was established based on the 128-element phase-controlled transducer, human head CT data and water. Numerical simulations were performed to optimize the structural parameters of the transducer adapted to the stimulation of the hippocampal region, then combined with the capacitance model to investigate the effects of ultrasonic acoustic parameters on the firing of hippocampal neurons. The results showed that a 128-element phase-controlled transducer with an opening diameter of 90 mm, a radius of curvature of 56 mm, an array radius of 2.0 mm, and a frequency of 0.9 MHz could form a focal field adapted to the size of the stimulated hippocampus of the human brain; and the ultrasound frequency of 0.9MHz showed a better inhibition effect on hippocampal neuronal discharge. A smaller duty cycle and lower spatial peak temporal average intensity showed a better inhibition effect on neuron discharge.
中文关键词: 经颅超声刺激  神经刺激  相控阵换能器  超声参数  海马
英文关键词: Transcranial ultrasound stimulation, Neuron stimulation,Phase-controlled transducer, Ultrasound parameters, hippocampus.
张默涵 天津医科大学 momo1612120246@163.com 
张艳秋 天津医科大学 15620610782@126.com 
凌子超 天津医科大学 18602270251@163.com 
王佩国 天津医科大学肿瘤医院 wpg2017@163.com 
菅喜岐* 天津医科大学 jianxiqi@tmu.edu.cn 
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