Effect of soundscape in forest park on psychological benefits-- Taking Fuzhou National Forest Park as an example
投稿时间:2021-12-23  修订日期:2023-03-01
      Soundscape is an important part of the restorative environment of forest park. This study took Fuzhou National Forest Park as an example, and 20 environmental audio-visual videos of the forest park were used as research materials (10 audio videos and 10 silent videos respectively). To explore the effects of soundscape on mental health benefits with the short-version revision recovery scale and the soundscape perception evaluation questionnaire. The results showed that: the psychological benefits of different forest park environments were different. There were significant differences in comprehensive recovery evaluation, cognitive and behavioral dimensions. The ability of audiovisual combination stimulation to promote psychological recovery was stronger than that of single visual stimulation, except for the sample site (S5) where the sound of conversation and children"s play were more outstanding. The optimal scale regression models of soundscape perception and comprehensive recovery evaluation and affective, cognitive and behavioral dimensions was statistically significant. Natural sounds, such as birdsong, cicada song and running water, were important predictors of psychological recovery, and had a positive effect on psychological recovery. Based on the research results, the optimization strategy of forest park restorative sound environment was proposed, which provided a reference for the optimization design of forest park restorative sound environment.
中文关键词: 森林公园  声景  心理  恢复性环境
英文关键词: forest park  soundscape  psychological  restorative environment
朱玉洁 福建农林大学园林学院 福建福州 350002 369280012@qq.com 
翁羽西 福建农林大学园林学院 福建福州 350002 272252733@qq.com 
王心怡 福建农林大学园林学院 福建福州 350002 359981013@qq.com 
黄楠 福建农林大学园林学院 福建福州 350002 372114244@qq.com 
王敏华 福建农林大学园林学院 福建福州 350002 592032841@qq.com 
董建文* 福建农林大学园林学院 福建福州 350002 fjdjw@fafu.edu.cn 
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