The propagation characteristics of ultrasonic P-wave in sandstone at different incidence frequencies
投稿时间:2022-01-06  修订日期:2022-05-04
      为了深入的研究不同入射频率下超声波纵波在砂岩中的传播特性,以灰、红、褐砂岩为研究对象,开展了基于50kHz、100kHz、200kHz、500kHz和1000kHz入射频率的超声波纵波测试;提取波速、幅值衰减系数、主频幅值等声学参数,结合入射频率和砂岩孔隙率进行传播特性的相关性分析。结果表明, 在三种砂岩中,纵波波速随入射频率增大呈非线性增长趋势,砂岩种类不同,波速增长规律也不同;波形能量和主频幅值随入射频率呈指数关系降低;灰、红砂岩纵波波速随孔隙率越大,下降速率越大,褐砂岩在同级孔隙率下波速差异性明显;建立了基于三种砂岩的入射频率和幅值衰减系数的回归方程;基于200kHz的入射频率,建立了砂岩孔隙率于波形能量的回归方程,建议采用200kHz作为入射频率,可较好兼顾检测的灵敏度和探测距离。研究成果有助于分析、理解砂岩声学特性,为岩石质量预测和物探测试提供参考。
      In order to study the propagation characteristics of ultrasonic longitudinal waves in sandstone under different incident frequencies, the ultrasonic longitudinal wave tests based on the incident frequencies of 50kHz, 100kHz, 200kHz, 500kHz and 1000kHz were carried out with gray, red and brown sandstone as the research objects. Acoustic parameters such as wave velocity, amplitude attenuation coefficient and dominant frequency amplitude are extracted, and the correlation analysis of propagation characteristics is carried out by combining incident frequency and sandstone porosity. The results show that in the three kinds of sandstones, the longitudinal wave velocity increases nonlinearly with the increase of incident frequency, and the growth law of the longitudinal wave velocity is different with different kinds of sandstones. The amplitude of waveform energy and dominant frequency decreases exponentially with incident frequency. The longitudinal wave velocity of grey sandstone and red sandstone decreases with the increase of porosity, and the difference of wave velocity of brown sandstone under the same porosity is obvious. The regression equations based on the incident frequency and amplitude attenuation coefficient of three kinds of sandstones are established. Based on the incident frequency of 200kHz, the regression equation of sandstone porosity and waveform energy is established. It is suggested that 200kHz should be used as the incident frequency, which can give consideration to the detection sensitivity and detection distance. The research results are helpful to analyze and understand the acoustic characteristics of sandstone, and provide reference for rock quality prediction and geophysical testing.
中文关键词: 砂岩  超声波纵波  入射频率  孔隙率  声学参数
英文关键词: Sandstone  P-wave  Incident frequency  Porosity  Acoustic parameter
廖文博 江西理工大学土木与测绘工程学院 599246208@qq.com 
管华栋* 江西理工大学土木与测绘工程学院 yidixuezi@126.com 
王观石 江西理工大学土木与测绘工程学院 wgsky010@126.com 
罗嗣海 南昌航空大学 drsoil@163.com 
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